
19 May 2012

It's amazing how we can walk by and notice the little amazing things of life. The smallest details, the smallest ladybug, the smallest flower, green grass. A blossom tree that makes you want to look at it for the rest of your life. The beautiful things of life can surprise us. They do everyday. The first days of spring I see bushes turning green, flowers blossoming, grass growing which makes you wanna just lay on it and stare at the deep blue sky. Even the busiest person of our world can find the time, and notice these little things, we can't imagine life without them, but we don't always realize that. You will smile when you just notice the green tips of tree branches that lived through the harsh winter with you, and when you notice this, you appear to be there for these trees, and not only them. Plants, animals, every living thing on this planet. Don't be afraid to stop and look, time will freeze and you will be in peace with yourself and nature.

17 May 2012

Trees, flowers, plants, animals, they're all part of the ecosystem, they have rights just like we do. They need to be respected just like any of us do. But many don't understand that. We do anything to survive, but we do it carelessly. We don't see that we will find a way to survive no matter in what condition we will be in tomorrow. We cut down trees, and we don't plant any in their places. We cut down more than we need. Every one of us out there think that there's someone that will take care of our earth, our world, our home. But if each of us thinks that, who's making the change? Each one of us needs to make even the smallest change. Think of your kids, grand kids, nieces, nephews. Friends, family. People catch animals, kill them not to survive, but for things we want. Like fur coats, scarfs, bags, decorations. What for? Some kill animals just for money. What good does that do, your life just becomes even more filthy afterwards. There are other ways to live a good beautiful life. You don't need to kill animals, for that. Think about it. What if someone would do that to you, it's just wrong. There's no other word for it. Make a change, but to do that we have to care. Care for the future. The future of your family and friends. The future of the human race. Be the best person you can be.

12 May 2012

Hey guys. I would like to share a blog I came upon. A breast cancer survivor that tells her story and describes her survival and everyday life. I advise you to read her posts they are truly inspiring.

11 May 2012

What are our hopes and dreams based on? Why do we choose to hope, to dream? It gives us strength. They set us goals, and while we live we try to succeed and accomplish them. Our hopes and dreams make us who we are. They can be different in so many ways, and thanks to them we are happy inside and out. Dreams. Hopes, mean so much to so many people so never stop. Dream. Hope. Believe. They make you who you are, so don't ever let people tell you what to believe in, to hope for, dream about. You choose because only you can make the change that needs to happen. It's your choice, your hopes, your decisions, your dreams. Make them happen.

9 May 2012

We are always fighting for what we love, care for, what we believe in, and sometimes we ask ourselves why. Why do we do it? For what? How will this make life better? Well it does. Think what would be if you didn't fight. It wouldn't be life anymore. You'd be nothing to yourself. You fight for what you love, care for, believe in and you can call yourself strong, a fighter a believer a PERSON. One that doesn't give up because something went wrong in their life. The fact that you believe is important, to you, to others, because without you there's no one. Every one of you are the best, important, and as long as you live, and even later, if you were born it means that someone and many more need you. Never say Never. Never give up. Fight and care. Because each one of you make life important.

8 May 2012

We never know what may stand in our way to the path of history. We try to make our way easier, but we don't know what to expect. Some say making mistakes ruins your life, some say you learn from your mistakes. So which is it. Some are lost because they don't know if to follow the people they trust most, or the way we personally see life. So which is it. We don't know. No one knows. Life changes its way every second, that's why we can't tell the future. The future is a mystery you will never solve. So I say, live in the present. Live for today.

6 May 2012